Sunday, October 19, 2008

This weekend

This has been a very tiring weekend. I have been working very hard all week on getting the Society of Pacific Coast Native Irises Almanac out – managed to complete that on Friday. The PCIs are in full bloom here and I have been trying to run around with tweezers, labels and notebooks, making the crosses I have planned for this year.
The publishers of my next book, on the history of our local park, have requested extra photographs – both old and new – so I have spent most of the weekend on the scanner and the camera. I also have to do captions for some 300 illustrations, so I am more than a little frazzled.
Our son, who has not been well, is living away from home and coming home for the weekend. He did not have such a good day and was feeling depressed this evening, and was reluctant to go back to his flat. I was feeling guilty about having work so much this weekend, but he spent a lot of time with friends, away from here. It took some caring to get him home again, but he seemed in a better frame of mind when he left. He said having had a bitch session helped!
On the bright side, one of my favourite seedlings, a blue with turquoise highlight, which has been lost in the seedling patch, flowered in rows of divisions I made a few years ago. I have been able to use the pollen on some of my new blue varieties, so that’s a good ending to a pretty crappy weekend.

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